Marketing Committed

Since 1993, feeder calves have been marketed through the feeder calf sales agency, which authorizes five marketing modes:

  • Specialized auctions, in which feeder calves may be marketed only if they come from breeding herds that are vaccinated for fetal protection
  • Weekly auctions, in which all types of cattle may be marketed on Mondays, Tuesdays, and Wednesdays
  • Electronic auctions, in which batches of at least 10 feeder calves of the same sex with a maximum of 200 lbs. in weight difference may be marketed
  • Sales overseen by a PBQ-accredited agent, in which the agent determines and executes the terms of the transaction between the seller and the buyer without the need for feeder calves to physically move through the agent’s facilities
  • Sales conducted directly between a producer and a buyer, including through a broker

The sales agency is responsible for the following:

  • Administering the Règlement sur la production et la mise en marché des veaux d’embouche
  • Negotiating and enforcing the Marketing Agreement in collaboration with auctions
  • Conducting auction inspections
  • Coordinating the Quebec Specialized Feeder Calf Auctions Circuit
  • Disseminating market prices
  • Coordinating electronic auctions


Martin Drainville,
Chairman of the Marketing Committee for Feeder Calves

Marketing committee

Negotiation Committee