Welcome message
Dear Surfer,
Welcome to the Web site of the Les Producteurs de bovins du Québec (PBQ), the organization that defends the economic and professional interests of all Quebec beef and veal producers.
The PBQ has created this Web site for anyone directly or indirectly interested in agriculture, particularly cattle production. The site stands out for the quality and quantity of its content, which is updated regularly.
Innovating producers
In surfing our site, you will notice that over the past few years, through their hard work and creativity, Quebec beef and veal producers have developed modern production methods that favour a production model that is human in scale and respects the environment, two fundamental characteristics of our production sector.
Listening our consumers
To better address the needs and concerns of consumers, the PBQ develops tools designed to consistently improve the quality of marketed products (on-farm food safety program, certification, Bœuf Qualité Plus), product traceability (Agri-Traçabilité Québec) and animal welfare (humane transportation, best practices codes).
Happy Surfing!