Composed of 14 regional syndicates, the PBQ currently represent approximately 14,500 beef and veal producers in all regions of Quebec.
- Regional syndicates
- Annual General Meeting
- Committees
- Board of Directors
- Executive Committee
- Staff
- Canadian Organizations
Organizational chart
Click here to enlarge
Regional syndicates
Regional cattle producer syndicates bring together all beef and veal producers on their territory, in accordance with the Professional Syndicates Act. Each syndicate has its Regional Board of Directors, and their Chairs sit on the PBQ’s Board of Directors.
In addition to providing regional representation, the syndicates implement production development projects and cooperate in marketing cattle. In each region, a Secretary plans and follows up on the syndicate’s current activities. To contact them.
Annual General Meeting
Every year, delegates to the Quebec cattle producers’ Annual General Meeting, representing all regions of Quebec, adopt resolutions which become the work priorities and major orientations for the coming year.
Five marketing committees, each one representing a specific cattle production sector (feeder calves, fed cattle, cull cattle, dairy calves, grain-fed and milk-fed veal) have been established under the Joint Plan des producteurs de bovins du Québec, as provided for in the Act respecting the marketing of agricultural, food and fish products. Each committee comprises a regional representative from the sector concerned, a representative from the PBQ and a representative of an accredited association, where appropriate.
The marketing committees mission is to develop marketing strategies tailored to their production realities. They adopt regulations to make marketing more orderly and efficient, ensuring producers of the highest possible net income for their cattle. The committees also manage their promotion funds (grain-fed and milk-fed veal) and research funds (in the five production sectors).
Each marketing committee is assisted by a negotiation committee responsible for preparing, conducting and concluding trade negotiations in its production sector, in concert with the PBQ.
Costs of production
The PBQ have set up four specialized committees to monitor the application of the provincial government’s farm income stabilization insurance programs and the establishment of production costs. These four committees are in the grain-fed and milk-fed veal sectors as well as in the feeder calf and fed cattle sectors.
Board of Directors
The PBQ’s Board of Directors is made up of its Chairman, the Chairs of the 14 regional syndicates who are elected in their respective regions, and the Chairs of the five marketing committees, each representing their respective production sector.
In addition to following up on decisions taken at the Annual General Meeting, the Board of Directors determines the thrust of policies, farm programs, cattle production and collective marketing, in accordance with the joint marketing plan (Plan conjoint), regulations, and any other issue that concerns the PBQ.
The Chairman and Board members also represent the PBQ at several external committees meetings with federal and provincial officials.
ChairmanMr Sébastien Vachon |
Abitibi-TémiscamingueMr Vincent Boisvert |
Montérégie-EstMr Jean-François Gaudette |
Bas-Saint-LaurentMr Daniel Lajoie |
Montérégie-OuestMr Kirk Jackson |
Capitale-Nationale−Côte-NordMr Philippe Alain |
Outaouais−LaurentidesMr Stanley Christensen |
Centre-du-QuébecMr Jean-François Dion |
Saguenay−Lac-Saint-JeanMr Guillaume Barrette |
Chaudière-Appalaches-NordMr Bertrand Bédard |
CMMBAMr André Ricard |
Chaudière-Appalaches-SudMr Simon-Pier Lévesque |
CMMVEMr Martin Drainville |
EstrieMr André Tessier |
CMMVGMr Louis-Joseph Beaudoin |
Gaspésie−Les ÎlesMr Doris Boissonnault |
CMMVLMr Pierre-Luc Nadeau |
LanaudièreMrs Francine Trépanier |
CMMBRMr Sylvain Bourque |
MauricieMr Steve Beaudry |
Executive Director and secretary-treasurerMr Steve Harrison |
Young farmer (FRAQ)Mrs Joanie Courchesne |
Executive Committee
The Executive Committee comprises the Chairman of the PBQ, a Vice-Chair and three members, all elected by and from the members of the Board of Directors. The Executive Committee follows up on decisions taken by the Board of Directors and oversees the day-to-day management of PBQ operations. The Executive Committee members also serve on the PBQ’s Finance Committee.
ChairmanMr Sebastien Vachon |
Vice ChairmanMrs Francine Trépanier
MemberMr Philippe Alain
MemberMr Kirk Jackson
MemberMr Pierre-Luc Nadeau |
Executive and secretary-treasurerMr Steve Harrison |
The PBQ’s General Secretariat has about 30 employees who support elected officers in their daily marketing and development activities. They also support elected officers in following up on issues and in the general administration of the PBQ.
Key resource persons
Les Producteurs de bovins du Québec Phone: 450 679-0540, poste 8761 Fax: 450 442-9348
General Management – Steve Harrison
Corporate affairs – Marie-Claude Dubuc (ext. 8722)
Marketing :
- Fed Cattle – Yannick Sauvé (ext. 8524)
- Cull Cattle & Dairy Calf – Anaïs Gingras (ext. 8793)
- Grain-fed Veal – Stéphanie Demers (ext. 8637)
- Milk-fed Veal – Stéphanie Demers (ext. 8637)
- Feeder calf – Laurie Noiseux (ext. 8482)
Accounting – Ginette Therrien (ext. 8742)
Environment & Quality Program – Sirine El Hamdaoui (ext. 8753)
Communications and Union Life – David Riendeau (ext. 8355)
Marketing and promotion (grain-fed veal et milk-fed veal) – Andréanne St-Germain (ext. 8796)
Income Security, Statistics and Markets – Denis Pelletier (ext. 8263)
Officer in Charge of the Protection of Personal Information for Les Producteurs de bovins du Québec
Steve Harrison
555 Roland-Therrien Blvd
Longueuil (Québec) J4H 3Y9
Phone: 450 679-0540 ext 8101
PBQ or Regional Syndicates Contact Information
Steering Committee
Canadian Organizations
PBQs also sit on the following organizations:
- The Canadian Cattlemen’s Association;
- The Canadian Cattle Identification Agency;
- The Canadian Beef Cattle Research, Market Development and Promotion Agency;
- The Canadian Beef Grading Agency;
- The national committee of the VBP+ program;
- The Beef Cattle Research Council;
- The Canadian Roundtable on Sustainable Beef (CRSB);
- The Canadian Round Table on Animal Protein.