This glossary is intended as an explanation in plain language of certain terms frequently used in cattle production. It is not meant to be a scientific reference but simply a tool facilitating understanding of our site.
Backgrounding: | Growth phase of the feeder calf between weaning and finishing |
BSE (bovine spongiform encephalopathy): | Progressive fatal diseases of the cattle nervous system associated with the presence of an abnormal protein called prion |
Cull cattle: | Dairy or beef cattle at the end of their career marketed for meat |
Dairy calf: | Young dairy calf marketed for growing for the purpose of veal production (generally males) or for dairy production (females) |
Fed cattle: | Beef cattle grown for beef production |
Feeder calf or cow-calf: | Feeder calf fed on its mother’s milk and pasture grass |
Feedlot: | Pens used to grow the animals |
Finishing: | Last phase of cattle production during which cattle are grown to an ideal weight for slaughter |
Grain-fed calf: | Dairy calf fed mainly with grain corn for the purpose of veal production |
Heifer: | Young female that has not yet given birth to a calf |
Milk-fed calf: | Dairy calf fed mainly with milk (milk replacer) for the purpose of veal production |
Preconditioning: | Action of preparing the feeder calf (vaccinating, weaning, castrating, dehorning, deworming) with the aim of continuing to grow it |
Weaning: | Action of ceasing to feed a calf on a diet mainly consisting of milk to replace it with a solid diet |