Cull cattle
Use of veterinary drugs: authorized indications and recommended pre-slaughter withdrawal times for beef in Canada and the United States
This handbook is designed for cull cattle and bob calf producers in Quebec and other stakeholders. It is published by the Producteurs de bovins du Québec and the Association des médecins vétérinaires praticiens du Québec.
Assessing mobility in cull cattle – plan before culling
Move-out register
The move-out register is a simple and handy tool to help you prepare your cull cattle and bob calves to leave for auction. This user-friendly and compact resource was developed for producers by the Producteurs de bovins du Québec.
Over the years, cull cattle beef has carved out an enviable position across Canada and in export markets. Livestock quality, traceability, and abattoir inspection systems are all assets that have helped Quebec producers increase the commercial value of their animals.
Dairy calves
Dairy calves: preparation and marketing
Videos accompanying fact sheets:
1. Navel disinfection
2. Colostrum
3. At the auction
4. Heavy calves
5. Welfare
Decision tool – Assessment of a bob calf’s preparation – POD Calf Program
The use of beef sire semen in dairy herds
This guide provides dairy producers with information on using beef sire semen to inseminate dairy cows whose offspring is not allocated to dairy production.
Calculation of cross calf production costs
This project was funded by the Programme de développement sectoriel (sector development program) through the Canadian Agricultural Partnership, an agreement between the governments of Canada and Quebec.